Alif Urdu is a first of its kind program that contains Detailed Description of characters or letters for kids or toddlers or preschoolers in Urdu Language. The introduction of different voices, sounds and audio increases kid's interest especially animal audio sounds and voices. It is a real fun for kids or toddlers or preschoolers to enjoy their first book or Urdu kitab (Urdu Qaida such as Alif Urdu)
Alif Urdu comprises following features:
-> Alif Urdu includes more than one word attached to each alphabet or letters along with various audio sounds and voices along with images and pictures while tapping each element plays respective audio sounds and voices.
-> Free Version of Alif Urdu has limited number of letters or alphabets in Urdu Qaida (from ‘ا’ to ‘ژ’ or from 'Alif Bay Pay' to 'Rey till Zhey') whereas paid version provides complete access.
-> In addition ‘Alif Urdu’ provides ‘Examination’ module to test what your kids or toddlers or preschoolers grasped by learning 'Alif Bay Pay' with attractive images or pictures (especially animals) and their respective audio sounds and voices.
-> Moreover, each time taking the test shows random combination of words or lafz (haroof), which is the unique feature this application has. No more concept of cramming thankfully, Alif Urdu provides significant help to kids or toddlers or preschoolers to clear their concepts of Urdu Qaida such as Alif Bay Pay as earlier as possible.
-> It is a real fun to complete the test where funny audio sounds and voices are played to point the mistake :)
-> Lastly, you can save the test result to monitor the progress of kids or toddlers or preschoolers easily from time to time.
If you come up with any issue(s) please let us know at
Urdu is the 19th most popular language in the world and it is not only native language of Pakistan, it has been spoken and/or understood by many other regions such as Jammu Kashmir, India, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Nepel, Mauritius, Qatar, United Kingdom and United States. As many pakistanis live abroad, if you want your kids to learn Urdu Qaida then download our Alif Urdu today.
Have your kids learn Urdu using this Free Alif Urdu Qaida Android application. Have them learn the Alif Bay Pay in an interactive and fun way. Excellent Urdu Educational App for Kids.
Please visit our website or email at for our services
Cheers n Enjoy!!!!
- >阿利夫乌尔都语包括连接到每个字母或字母与各种音频的声音和图像一起的声音,同时利用每一个元素播放相应的音频声音和语音图片沿着多个单词。
- >阿利夫乌尔都语的免费版本限制了许多在乌尔都语基地组织的字母或字母(从'ا“到”ژ'或'阿利夫湾收费“到”雷伊直到Zhey'),而付费版提供了完整的访问。
- >除了'阿利夫乌尔都语'提供'考试'模块,以测试你的孩子或幼儿或学龄前儿童通过学习'阿利夫湾收费“有吸引力的图像或图片(尤其是动物)及其各自的音频声音和语音掌握。
- >而且,每次服用的试验表明词语或lafz(haroof),这是唯一的特征本申请具有的随机组合。没有值得庆幸的临时抱佛脚的更多概念,阿利夫乌尔都语提供孩子或幼儿或学龄前儿童显著帮助,以明确自己的基地组织乌尔都语等概念阿利夫湾收费如前面越好。
- >这是一个真正的乐趣来完成,其中搞笑音频声音和语音播放指向错误的测试:)
- >最后,您可以保存测试结果可以轻松地监控孩子或幼儿或学龄前儿童的进展不时。
乌尔都语是世界上19最流行的语言,它不仅是巴基斯坦的母语,它已被口头和/或通过其他许多地区,如查谟克什米尔地区,印度,孟加拉国,沙特阿拉伯,阿拉伯联合酋长国,巴林的理解, NEPEL,毛里求斯,卡塔尔,英国和美国。由于许多巴基斯坦人住在国外,如果你希望你的孩子学习乌尔都语基地组织再下载我们的阿利夫乌尔都语今天。